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Engaged self-development mentor for your growth in area of confidence and goals achievement

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Mind Confident Magdalena Reliszka

Poland, Lódź

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Feel better in your skin by understanding what, how, and why you do things in certain situations. Get to know yourself better and accept yourself so that you can use your strengths in stressful situations and build self-confidence.


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Casually chat about your goals achieving journey with me. Get to know me more and see what I can help you with.

The goal is to get clarity on how you can work with me on your goals to get the support, motivation and accoutability that you actually need right now.

It's your decision if and how you want to work with me after the call.

It doesn't cost you a dime, it helps you get clarity.

Feel more comfortable in your own skin by understanding your behavior in different situations. Get to know yourself better and accept yourself, so you can use your strengths in stressful situations and build confidence.

Contact me!